Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A Summary of Today

Today was as full as any of my days have ever been.  Overall it was a good day.  Of course there were many things not checked off on the "to-do list" (which many days I consider my "must do" list), and there were many failures in parenting along the way ... but the day was a good day and as I sit here typing this, so many thoughts run through my mind of how blessed I am and how life, even on the days where everything is not checked off and where I fail miserably as a parent, life is such a tremendous and priceless gift.

So briefly, here was my day ...
the girls slept in an extra 30 minutes this morning, so I had time to enjoy the below on my back porch.

I also found time to sit with the girls at lunch (something I used to do everysingleday until this year ... OH THIS YEAR!!!)

And then this ... I finally got a photo from almost 2 years ago framed and up on the wall (I know this sounds extreme and probably is, but in all fairness it was taken in AL while we were visiting from KS and when it was ready to frame I had just had a baby and was in the process of moving to GA and just figured I'd get it when I got there and then we were busy moving in and Richard deployed ... etc. etc.).

We had some errands to run this afternoon and when I returned home I found an email in my inbox from my sister in law, who forwarded and email from a girl I knew in college about this girl pregnant with inoperable brain cancer.  Click the link.  Read the story.  Pray for this girl, her baby, her husband, her family. Then go and hug all your sweet little ones and your spouse, too!  Thank God for your life, for your health and for theirs.  Go to bed remembering the gift of life you had today and excited about the gift of life you'll be blessed to have in the morning.

I've had Great is Thy Faithfulness stuck in my head all day after reading this entry on Planted by Streams.
Yes, "All I have needed, Thy hands have provided!  Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord unto me."

To God be the Glory,

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