Wednesday, August 31, 2011

A New Season Just Around the Corner

The girls have been dying for there to be enough leaves to rake up and jump in.  Almost everyday since the first leaf fell they have checked around the house to see if there were "enough."  Today after school, Patterson stood up and announced it was time:).  She and Kate grabbed their shoes and headed out as fast as they could.  The pile was pathetic, but they didn't seem to notice.

I love how life is a constant state of renewing.  We have seasons, yes, but we also have days.  I love that days are renewed so quickly!  I love that I get the joy of that first pot of coffee every twenty-four hours.  And I love staying up late and I love getting up early.  My brother never quite got that about me when we were younger:).  Now that I'm older I stay up late and rise early for different reasons, but I've never lost my interest in it.  For me, there is just something about the quiet hours at night that are wonderful for reflecting on the chaos of the day (such as all nine fire alarms sounding continuously this morning just as we were starting breakfast ... if I never reflected, I'd miss a chance at a good laugh that came from a very stressful moment!).  And likewise, there is just something about waking up early and having time to be still literally and mentally.  How wonderful it is to read and pray before any sound or any item on my "things to do" list enter into my day.

Looking forward to kicking off  Fall this weekend with a visit from the LTC, my brother's family and a little football.

Sola Gratia ...

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