Friday, June 3, 2011

A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes

"So whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men."  
Colossians 3:23

Tonight was our final night of recitals.  As much as I had looked forward to tonight, I was sad to walk away knowing that that was it!  What a delight it was to watch our older four girls dance this week.  I could not have been more proud to sit in that audience!  They all worked so hard and it was easy for me to see the confidence they have acquired and the progress they have made.  And the joy on their faces ... as a parent it is the greatest thing to see complete and pure joy on your child's face.  It was hectic trying to manage this week solo, but totally worth it in the end.  I wish their Daddy could have seen them.  I know he wishes it too.  

The verse from Colossians comes to mind when I think of this week.  It is one I am constantly reminding the girls of, and it is one that I think comes pretty easily for Kate ... at least the "working with all your heart" part.  I've mentioned before that she's all over the "High Five for Jesus" but her heart is still growing and I don't think she's at the point of fully committing her life to Christ just yet.  But she's got a start and the verse is a good one to point her in the right direction.  

Enjoy the night in photos!

*and just a note ... the senior dancers all danced with each of the younger classes on stage.  They were the "real" princesses and just provided some extra encouragement for the little ones.  They were amazing and danced the whole show.  Such great talent!  And our dancer, Miss Tonya, is the middle child of a family of NINE children!  Kate adores her:) and I'm convinced her mother is one incredible mother!!* 

1 comment:

  1. wow, mk, these shots are so much fun ... even more precious than the whistling ;-) now try to get some well-deserved rest this weekend!!
