Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Pre-Game, George Washington and Braces

So we've started school ... sort of.  :)  We are trying something new this year and I'm trying my best to give it a shot, but I think I just exchanged one headache for another.  I'll post more when we get settled and when the real school season begins for us.  This time of year is always a bit stressful for me, but I do love it!  I enjoy the sun starting to shine differently in the kitchen in the afternoon, and setting a little earlier in the evening.  I love being able to spend time with the girls outdoors after dinner because it's not so hot (finally!) and there always seems to be a new one to teach the fight song to while pushing them on the swing.

This year I'm working on teaching this little BAMA girl to cheer on the team!

While waiting for cookies to come out of the oven tonight, I recorded this.  My Kate, quite possibly George Washington's biggest fan, has been learning a poem about him.  She's half way there!  (and by simple association, Olivia is learning too)
It really is under-rated what 2 & 4 year olds can learn!

And an update on my 13 year old's orthodontist progress ... while the installed expander has made a gap the size of another tooth between her front two teeth, she did not get it out today, but did get her braces on (only on top).  Her poor little mouth looks like a roller coaster track!!  But she is so beautiful inside and out that it doesn't matter.  She's been such a great sport about all of this ... makes my heart so happy.

1 comment:

  1. I had braces when I was younger. Lots of pain but oh-so-worth it!!
